First thing first, rest in peace Uncle Phil for real. When I was in junior high, it was very fun to play soccer but also stressful to keep working hard every day. It was so exhausting for me to meet the expectation from coach, teammates, Kanye, and my family. As much as I wanted to keep playing soccer at the highest level, I chose another way to be more stable and normal way when I entered high school and quitted soccer unlike my teammates. I felt very lost at that time. My teammates are playing in a big team and getting spotted on SNS. My friends were saying “Yo what are you doing now? You just wasted your soccer life.” This is one of the reasons why I went to States for studying abroad. I met great friends to play soccer with and got to play soccer for a year in States. They taught me how to love soccer by thinking it as just one entertainment. Soccer was the key to open the door to meet those great people that I wouldn’t have met if I wasn’t a soccer player. Thank you for the boys in States and love you all. When I came back from States, I rejoined the high school soccer team and had a great time with my high school club. I am very thankful for the teachers, teammates, and my family. I got to play soccer with wonderful friends here in Hiroshima University. I am really excited to be a member of this club and be a better soccer player in next four years. Thank you so much. I love J Cole btw ifykyk.
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